Good Afternoon from the kindergarten room, today  we welcomed a new friend to our room Liam, I loved to see how welcoming all the children were today making him feel so welcome, well done friends.

We had a great day today with a variety of wonderful experiences taking place. This morning Miss Emma took us outside for our morning tea and instead of having our group time inside this morning we made use of our wonderful outdoor classroom. This week we are continuing our discussions and learning surrounding our emotions this week focussing on what makes us feel sad, in relation with this we will also be talking to the children about what they can do if they are feeling sad. After group time we came inside to engage in a variety of experiences which had either been planned by Miss Emma, or initiated by the children. As the children had enjoyed the rice so much yesterday they had asked to revisit it again today, this time we incorporated paint brushes for the children to make patterns and drawings as well as the magnetic letters and the scoops. Tomorrow the children have asked to incorporate the animals into the rice. The children also had the opportunity to revisit the pool noodle activity from yesterday where the children had the opportunity to pick up table tennis balls and pom poms and balance them on top of the pool noodles. This experience is great for developing the children’s fine motor skills, tracking and hand eye coordination. As always playdough was on offer for the children to use their creativity and imagination with. Today we incorporated natural materials that we had found outside such as sticks and leaves, it was great to see all of the children’s wonderful creations. Today there was also an emerging interest in books with lots of the children choosing to spend some time either on their own, in small groups or reading with Miss Emma and Miss Sarah and having some wonderful conversations throughout. Other play that has been occurring today has included role playing and using our imagination in the home corner and as they played together with the dolls house, building with the wooden blocks, drawing, we enjoyed some relaxing yoga and puzzle exploration. The children are all very eager to get outside and explore in our wonderful playground this afternoon.

Have a lovely afternoon