Hello families and welcome to Fantastic Friday

We have had a great time in Kindergarten today with the children exploring their classroom.

We have had a relaxing day today exploring the train set and the dolls house. Hamilton happily make a rocket launching station out of the construction blocks, explaining that the rocket was going to take him and his friends to the moon. Wynter and Jaxon were very excited and hoped that they would have a great time on the moon. Jaxon wondered if they could see the other planets from the moon.

Wynter and Layla enjoyed using the textas to create some pictures to take home today. Matthew has been lining up the trains and working with his friends on a track through the classroom. Austin and Jaxon have helped Matthew to make a track that extends the length of the classroom.

During our group time today we have looked a humorous book called Richard Scarry’s Funniest Storybook Ever. This book has helped the children to understand some humour in their stories and extend their imagination. We love to read books and look for the different activities that happen on each page.

I hope you all have an amazing weekend and please bring in some photos of your adventures for our new display.


Miss Sharon and her adventures