•Sunny day Friday•

Welcome families to our FABULOUS FRIDAY♥

This Morning Miss Jess greeted your Rockstar’s and welcomed them to their outdoor playground with lots to offer them.

Wyatt was eager to show Miss Jess how fast he could slide down the green hill before taking off on a speedy race!! Woahhhh he was SUPER FAST!! Wyatt then found the cars and car garage, Wyatt neatly placed all the vehicles in lines on the top of the garage before counting them, he did an amazing job and showed great interest in numbers!

Ellie, Eva, Harper and Mariah enjoyed playing in the dolls house with all the little people, they all liked role playing as a ‘mum’, ‘dad’, ‘sister’, ‘brother’ and a baby. Role play for children is so fundamental and it enhances skills required for healthy development. Harper and Mariah explored their creativity side as they painted freely with cool sponges!!

They both loved the idea of doing dots in all different colours and counting the dots as they went. As children paint freely they are allowing themselves to be open to creativity, enhancing on their brain development, painting can also be an expression of emotions and a lot more.

Mace, Braxton, Eva and Harper had the time of their lives as they soared into the sky back and forward on the swing!! They all smiled with glee and wanted moreeeee!!! So much laugher was booming from them. Braxton and his friends Mace and Wyatt all sat down together at the reading area. Braxton than began to read the book called “What’s more scary” Braxton told the story in his own way and his friends were really engaged even Miss Jess!!!


It was then time for all our Kindergarten friends to get ready for morning tea, we all took it in turns to wash our hands before eating our delicious morning tea supplied by our wonderful chef Miss Kerri♥

After morning tea Miss Jess did a small group time, we all said good morning, did our roll check and went through what we will get up to today. Miss Jess asked the children what their interests were and what they wanted to do. Harper said “writing my name” So Miss Jess thought with the interest of how much Harper enjoys painting Miss Jess asked “Did you want to paint your name”? Harper replied excitedly and said “yes”. Eva said “Painting” We did some free painting during our quiet time which was really lovely. Mace, Braxton and Wyatt were happy to read books together going from what they loved doing outside this morning with one an other. Mariah and Ellie wanted to continue role playing in the bakery house and kitchen with the baby dolls and baby animals.

It was then lunch timeeeeee! All children got ready for some tasty toasties and fresh salad before they had quiet time doing activities of their choice while the sleepers re energised for this afternoons journey.

Braxton was intrigued by the Iguana in the Animal book and he asked Miss Jess about it. Miss Jess than looked up facts about Iguanas on YouTube and showed her friends. After the short video on the facts Miss Jess asked some of our friends questions such as  – “Harper what do Iguanas like doing”? Harper replied and said “They like to climb trees and hide in the bush”. Miss Jess than asked “What are some of the things they love to eat”? Eva replied and said “Fruit”. Braxton said “They hatch out of eggs” What a wonderful lesson that was about Iguanas and the answers from the children were great and it shows that they are all confident and involved learners.

Throughout the day, the children self selected activities of their choice such as, building with the connectors, building with the Lego, drawing on the chalk board and so much more.

This afternoon children enjoyed a lovely picnic outside for afternoon tea before they adventured off to their playground with their friends and teachers.

Thank you Kindergarten for today ♥

I hope you all have a lovely and safe weekend with your family – Happy Mother’s Day to all you wonderful Mothers, Nans and Nonnas. See you all next week.

My deepest apologies for no photos due to technical difficulties.

Miss Jess♥