Welcome back from the weekend, we hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

Today Miss Shelby came for a play with Miss Sarah and the kindergarten children, after a play outside we came into to join Miss Sarah on the mat for group time where we did the days on the week song and our days of the week sign, weather sign and today’s date sign. Jacob said today was sunny and put the sunny sign up. Hayley also helped put the date sign up onto ”Today’s date is ”sign by putting up the 1st sign.

To transition the children to wash their hands for morning tea Miss Sarah did Letter recognition using the letter of their first name.

Today we continued to focus on the children’s interest of bugs by creating some butterflies, the children used craft glue, coloured cut up paper pieces and coloured pipe cleaners to decorate a butterfly.

During this art activity it allowed the children to use their creative skills and hand-eye coordination skills. The children also did colour recognition with the cut up coloured paper pieces as they named the colours of the paper- blue, red, orange and yellow.

Hayley wanted to make a spider so Miss Shelby asked her what colour spider she wanted to make and she said ”red and black” aswell as getting the red and black paint out. Jacob, Matthew and Layla also joined in with Hayley to make a spider.


Before lunch Miss Sarah sang Ants go marching and going on a bear hunt before singing bee, bee, bumble bee to transition the children to watch their hands for lunch.

Miss Shelby and Miss Sarah