07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Digital Camera

Digital Camera

Digital Camera

Digital Camera

Digital Camera

Digital Camera

Digital Camera


Digital Camera

Hello to all our families, we hope that you all had a lovely weekend.

Today the children have been kept inside for the morning due to the rain, however once it stopped we all went outside and jumped in the puddles. You will all have a bag of wet clothes in the children’s bag today- sorry. The children were also able to look at how water flows down from the stage to the drain. They had a lovely time exploring outside.

We have also tried to listen to our hearts today using the stethoscope with limited success, we will continue to try and hear our hearts. The children have enjoyed exploring this with Emily using the stethoscope of her baby dolls.

We have continued with our campfire experience to day with the children sitting around the pretend fire and discussing the different things that they would pack for a campfire. This has lead to a discussion about the food that we would have at a campfire.

We have had a lovely Monday and hope that you have too.


Miss Sharon and her Campfire buddies.