Happy Monday everyone, we hope you all had a lovely weekend. I can’t believe that tomorrow is going to be the first day of October.

Outside before coming in for morning tea the children had a wonderful time engaging in a variety of experiences. One of the favourites mentioned from the morning included playing soccer with Mr G. After burning all that energy playing soccer with Mr we came inside for our delicious morning tea. Today the children were introduced to a new menu, today we had raspberries, blueberries, watermelon, crunchy crackers and yoghurt.

At our morning group time we sung our usual songs a long with our roll where the children were encouraged to use a greeting from another culture to signify they were here. Now it was time for show and tell. We started with our friend Elliott, who tool Hungry Jacks home for the weekend. What a busy weekend they had together going to the park, celebrating Elliott’s fifth birthday, going to Jumps for his party and going out for dinner. Layla, had some very exciting news that she was so proud of. In the weekend she told us that she jumped into the deep end of her pool with no floaties on, touching the bottom of the pool and swimming up to the top. Well done Layla, you are so brave. Matthew told us about how he had fallen over in the weekend hurting his foot. Astrid went to the beach and saw a Sea horse with horns and Disney princess’s. Hayley went to her Grandma and Grandads and went swimming in their pool. I love how confident the children were to share their special stories from the weekend. The children were now very eager to get engaged in their morning activities. Today our friend Elliott clapped the children’s names to transition them from the mat, what a great job he did.

On offer this morning the children who were here on Friday had the opportunity to express their creativity and imagination throw paint blowing. They had requested that they would like to engage in this once again today. This was a great opportunity for the children who had already had experience with this activity, to show their peers what to do. Some children along with blowing the paint around their page with the straw also used the icy pole sticks to create their art.

As some of the children have been showing an interest in writing their name, and writing in general today the children had the opportunity to create their own name garden. This experience the children were encouraged to write their name on  a planter box, then select different coloured flowers, writing their individual letters on them, cutting them out and putting them into their planter box. This experience was great for altering to each individual child’s ability as each child needed varying types of support. They were encouraged to persevere with challenges and we talked about the individual letters that make up their name. Tomorrow the children will have the opportunity to engage with this experience once again as their were a few children who missed out on doing it today.

Other experiences the children enjoyed engaging in were exploring and experimenting with the play dough as they manipulated it into their desired shapes. Home corner play, which once again had taken the shape of a coffee shop and outside before lunch we did some dancing with Mr G.

Please do not forget if your child attends on Wednesday this week we have the Ocean Stars incursion. If you would like your child to attend we need the permission slips signed and returned asap. Thank you to those who have already returned these.

Have a lovely afternoon

Miss Emma