Good Afternoon friends and family of Kindy One,
Welcome to Friday’s blog. Today we had welcomed Emi, Chi, Marlie, Maia, Ellie, Carter, Denis, Oliver. P, Zane, Tanner, Oliver. F, and India to the room. This morning while everyone was arriving we had made our way to the side yard of Kindy Two. We enjoyed exploring the yard and completed the obstacle course, read many stories, completed puzzles, and racket games which includes; tennis, balancing the ball on the racket and target practice. Many children enjoyed using the rackets and challenging themselves to bounce the ball with the racket, and learning new skills. The benefits of racket sports is building muscle strength in their upper body, arms and legs. It can also improve coordination, balance and general mobility. Afterwards we transitioned inside to complete roll call, calendar and read a story which Carter had brought into Kindy which was called We’re Going on a Treasure Hunt. All the children loved counting the gold coins when we had found them throughout the book.
We then had some morning tea to fill up our tummies, and explored the room. Many children had enjoyed helping Mr Andrew change some readers around, and played a game of round objects. The aim of the game was to place round objects into one square and the other non-round objects into the other square and find what objects are round and not round. During this time Miss Jess had also continued on with making Father’s Day cards. Some other children enjoyed exploring home corner, Legos, and some kinetic sand which After School Care made yesterday afternoon. The children loved feeling the texture of the sand, and making volcanos from the sand.
Afterwards we enjoyed exploring the big yard with our friends, as we pushed our friends on the swing, ridding bikes around the bike rack, making mud pies, making sandcastles and playing a game of tag with everyone. During quiet time the children enjoyed laying down and closing their eyes and listening to a story as they visualise the story in their minds. The books we had enjoyed reading today were Fox in Socks, and Magic School Bus Get’s Crabby.
This afternoon we hope to continue on playing with the kinetic sand, and practice our names by writing it, cutting the letters our and then using the stamps. We also will continue with racket games as we focus on achieving balancing a ball on top of the racket.
A reminder for families next week is book week from Monday 23th of August until Thursday 26th of August. We cannot wait to see what everyone comes dressed in. Next Friday 27th of August is also a public holiday to celebrate the Gold Coast Show. We would like to apologies for no photos today as out SD card isn’t working and we hope to send them to everyone over email.
Mr Andrew and Miss Jess