Good afternoon friends and family of Kindy One,
Welcome to Thursday blog what a fun filled day we have had. Today we had enjoyed a wonderful morning inside due to the wet weather. We many activities to complete such as construction using the train track, Lego, and marble run which everyone had enjoyed. We also had home corner which our friends used their imagination to create their own character to play families. Miss Jess had also setup two an which we have been completing slowly throughout the week which was the self-portraits. The first one consist of the children had one side of their face glued onto white paper and the had to draw the other side which was blank space. The second self-portrait we had a photo of each children and the photo had been cut into 4-5 pieces and the aim of the this activity was for the children to glue their face together correctly. We had called this one puzzled faces.
During group time we had completed the roll call, calendar for the day, introduced the show and tell schedule and played a card game which is everyone favourite. Afterwards the children had enjoyed splitting into two groups. The first group had enjoyed going outside with Miss Jess where they helped clean the water fountain out ready for it to be turned on in the next coming weeks. as we have spoken about filtered water and the weather cycle. Group two had stayed inside with Mr Andrew to participate in the temperature experiment. There were cups numbered one to five which were filled with different water temperature ranging from 20 degrees to 40 degrees. The children then had to dip their finger into each cup and have an estimate guess what the temperature. Well Done Kindy for taking a guess and trying their best! We all had enjoyed Arakan today with all our friends.
During quiet time we had our Munch and Crunch with the children had enjoyed some green apples. mandarins, and banana’s. Afterwards we decided to go outside before it starts to rain and the clouds are looking dark.
Reminder- Please write down what school your child will be attending for 2022. If this could be written down on the posters which are displayed on the entrance wall of Kindy Two room.
We hope you have enjoyed reading the blog for the day!
Mr Andrew and Miss Jess