Good Afternoon family and friends of Kindy One,
What a beautiful sunny morning we had to enjoy the great outdoors! Spring is definitely in the air. After playing with our friends in the sandpit, on the fort, on the bikes and scooters, shooting hoops with the ball and reading books with Miss Manuela, we went indoors for morning tea.
The daily routine was slightly different today because we had a visit from Professor Jellybean to show us how to do some cool science experiments. While .Pre-Kindy was in our room doing their experiments, we were in Pre-Kindy’s room enjoying playing with their resources. Meanwhile, some of our kids participated in soccer instruction. Some children had also sat down with Miss Jess and completed more of their Father’s Day gifts. We cannot wait to give these gifts out.
At 11am we went back into our classroom to do our experiments with Professor Jellybean. We were all given white lab coats and eye protection glasses to wear and then we sat at the tables and all our attention was focused on Professor Jellybean. She explained to us how important it was for us to pay attention and listen closely to instruction’s. The first experiment we did was we all got some coloured water and then added some bi-carb of soda to it to see what would happen. we were all amazed at how the bi-carb soaked up the coloured water and looked a bit like snow. Then we all got a container of water and a stirring stick. Professor Jellybean then added some calcium powder and we had to stir it in until it dissolved. Then we squeezed some special paint slowly in a fine drizzle into the water and presto, they turned into wiggly worms. You will see the cool results yourself because the children were able to take them home. We really enjoyed doing these experiment as we watched the wiggling worms form in the water, then once pulling them out of the water they had become hard. The last experiment we had conducted was a similar to elephant toothpaste/ small volcano eruption. This experiment had consisted of water, food coluring and oil in a small jar. We had then been given a small container with bi-carb soda and citrus acid and we had to pour it into the jar… Boom it had erupted like a volcano. This was so much fun, as we watched the reaction of all the materials combine in one jar.
Afterwards we had explored the yard to run out some energy. While we were out in the big yard many of us had enjoyed practicing on our ball skills by throwing and catching the ball. Some of us also enjoyed kicking the ball to one another before moving onto a game of tag with all our friends. Some of the other children had also enjoyed making sandcastles in the sand, swinging as high as we could and balancing in the balancing beams which was connected to an obstacle course.
Kindy One would like to apologise for no photo’s as the camera sim-card is broken and we’re are planning on fixing it by next week. Thank you to everyone who have been participating in book week, it’s been amazing to see everyone dressed up and showing their favourite books to everyone.
Much Love Miss Jess and Miss Manuela