Welcome to another great day in the kindergarten room today.

What a busy  morning we had this morning this. morning we engaged in building towers with big connector blocks, riding bikes playing in the construction area area with the big trucks and small trucks and swinging on the big swing. We then gathered inside for morning tea before sat down for group.

At group time we song it Hello to all the children for our good morning song, then Bug on a roll which the children requested it and really enjoyed. we also discussed what we love about our dads Hayley said ” he plays with me at the car mat, Matthew said ” daddy draw, cuddles, He plays with me and kisses, Harper said “cuddles me, Wynter said” Go shopping with me, play with him, eat food with him, cuddle him, A new home. We then discussed whos going to Take home “Hungry Jacks” and Hayley turn to take him home for the weekend.

When Miss Emma Left to do some programing Miss Sarah read us some stories then asked who would like to be the teacher and she choose Hamilton and he choose to sing “Bee Bee Bumble Bee can you say your name for me ” to send his friends off to choose what activities they would like to engaged in.

At the tables we had play-dough with some star cutters and roller pins to play with the play-dough with, We also engaged in making poster Banner for fathers day using crape paper. through play time activies we had Arakan where we got to do some martial arts.


From Miss Emma and Miss Sarah and KIndergarten we Hope you all have a lovely long Weekend and Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads, Grandads and Uncles.