Happy Tuesday everyone! We had lots of exciting things happening today such as new resources and tennis classes returning to Riversdale.

The new resources we had included some threading, block activities with peg holes and a nice wooden solar system to explore. The children have been showing their curious sides recently and we have been trying to introduce lots of new activities to keep that curiosity alive.

Today we introduced some laminated pictures that we will use as props for songs including 5 little ducks, speckled frogs, baker’s shop song, monkeys on the bed and baa baa black sheep. These activities, although simple, have so many benefits for the children including:

  • Developing verbal language skills
  • Increasing confidence to speak and sing in front of others
  • Solidifying counting concepts (counting forwards and backwards)
  • Keeping to the beat of a song or in rhythm
  • Extending vocabulary (what does “speckled: mean?)
  • Developing cooperation skills
  • Developing skills to lead an activity

After our morning outdoors we braved the chilly wind to play some fun games in the tree hut like bean bag tag and sticky hands. Coach Trevor came back for tennis classes on Tuesdays so look out for that information at the front desk if you would like your child to sign up for this.

In the afternoon the children settled into some quiet activities like books and puzzles and explored the newer activities. We plan to do some more singing songs and maybe some alphabet song practice as well.

Thanks for joining us today in the Kindergarten class and enjoy the rest of your day.

Mr Andrew and Miss Jess

Learning to recognise our first and last names

Kianni talking about the friend she brought today