Good Afternoon families of the Kindergarten children and welcome to our day here at Riversdale.
Children have had another inside/outside day today and what a journey of fun, learning and excitement it has been!
All children here in the senior building started their morning outside with their teachers and many friends. The bikes are always a favourite as they use their strong leg muscles to zoom so fast around the bike track. Children too enjoy the adrenaline rush they receive as they swing backwards and forwards with the breeze in their hair on the big swing. The sandpit is a lot of fun as some children love exploring the texture of wet and dry sand as they play in the mud kitchen making tasty treats, some children also enjoy the rope swings and monkey bars. All children as well as teachers are so grateful for the nice weather as it allowed us to utilise inside and outside play throughout our day.
After morning tea –
Our Kindergarten friends were getting ready for art with Mrs A!! Everyone was so excited as they all quickly came to sit on the green mat ready for Mrs A to tell us what we would be doing in our lesson today. In the lesson today Mrs A spoke about bats! The book called ‘Little Bat’ was read to the children followed by lots of questions about bats and what they knew. Children then did an activity where they were able colour in awesome flying foxes (Bats) and to then add eyes with PVA glue once finished colouring in with the pastels using the colours – brown and black. Throughout the children doing this activity Mrs A read out lots of facts about the bats – what they ate, look like and so much more. What a great art lesson and all children rather enjoyed it! Thankyou Mrs A.
Mr Andrew then did a slideshow about our HEART! As an extension to yesterdays slideshow on the brain. Mr Andrew showed Kindergarten what our heart looks like, how to see how big ours is and the facts about our heart and what it does!! Children were all so intrigued! Mr Andrew THAN did a little experiment on the floor to show children the difference between a healthy heart to a non healthy heart. Using two funnels one with nothing blocking the end and the other having some blockage to demonstrate the unhealthy heart. Mr Andrew then poured the ‘blood’ through the healthy ‘heart’ and it went down the funnel smoothly compared to the unhealthy heart as it dripped down. Mr Andrew spoke about ways we can have healthy hearts by eating healthy, drinking lots of water and exercising. Mr Andrew also said it is so fine to have those times where we eat unhealthy on occasions.
Soon it was then time for lunch!! After children had finished eating the non sleepers had a quiet resting time in the tree house while the sleepers had an reenergised nap inside with the fresh breeze of the fans and fresh air that was coming through.
For the afternoon –
Children enjoyed their afternoon tea and when their tummies were nice and full they headed off for a fun afternoon play outside with their friends until they were greeted with their parents at pickup.
What a wonderful day it has been today and thankyou Kindergarten.
See you all soon.
Mr Andrew and Miss Jess.