Happy Tuesday everyone!

Today we had Miss Danna in the Kindergarten room with Miss Sarah and the kindergarten children, after a play outside we came inside and sat on the mat for group time with Miss Danna where we did the days on the week song, our days of the week sign, weather sign and today’s date sign. Wynter said today was sunny with some clouds and put the appropriate sign up. Jacob told us it was Tuesday and put the Tuesday sign up on our Calendar.

To transition the children to wash their hands for morning tea Miss Sarah did letter recognition with the first letter of our names.

Today we focused on a new topic which is very important to all of us, Australia! Miss Danna asked the children whether they knew what our home was called, Wynter and Layla answered Oxenford. We then discussed how we go to Kindy in Oxenford and live on the Gold Coast in Queensland. Levii then asked if we could see the flag of Queensland, this led us to our activity of collaging the Australian flag!

During this art activity it allowed the children to use their creative and hand-eye/fine motor skills. The children also did colour recognition with the cut up coloured paper pieces as they named the colours of the Australian flag, red, blue and white.

While we were waiting for Miss Gabi for yoga, we practiced some of our phonics with the Jolly Phonics song. We are very good with our letters.

We had a fun time stretching our bodies with Miss Gabi during our morning yoga and dance class. We also had some visitors from Vacation Care for this!


We had a great day today in the Kindergarten class. See you tomorrow, Miss Danna and Miss Sarah.