Hello families and welcome to terrific Tuesday,

We have had a lovely day today with the children being able to explore Yoga with Miss Gabby. This weekly activity has helped the children to strengthen their core body muscles and help to develop their coordination. The children have been learning some lovely yoga positions with Miss Gabby.

We have also continued our exploration of the human body looking at how our eyes work, we discovered new words like Optic nerve and pupil. The children continued this topic as we created a graph showing what eye colour we had compared to our friends. This activity has helped the children have a look at a graph and how they work. This activity will help them as they move into school maths next year.

The art and craft is still a popular activity please take a moment to ask your child to show them a picture they have created today on our artist wall. You may choose to take it home or leave it there, please leave me the blu tack though.

The children have also discussed their favourite topic at the minute space, we have painted some stars for a night sky in the classroom.

We hope that you have had a lovely day today, we have.


Miss Sharon and her space explorers.