Here is a little update regarding what we have been up to in the Kindergarten room today.

This morning we started our day playing outside. The swings were very popular!. There was also bikes to play with, reading and drawing stations and of course the endless bounds of our imaginations.

With the weather giving us a little rain, we moved in doors.

Once inside we sat down for some morning tea before heading over to the group mat to meet and welcome Miss Manuela to the class as she will be joining us every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday’s. She is very lovely and positively engaging with the students and brings with her years of experience early learning education. We are glad to be welcoming her to the team!

The children had a range of interchangeable activities set up around the room through out the day including building blocks, making train tracks spaning the length of the class room, a creative drawing area, reading zone and the beloved Home Corner.

We had some lunch and with our tummy’s full, we all laid down for a rest. For our friends who did not feel like sleeping quiet activities were setup for them including reading and drawing.

With all our friends back in action and ready to play the children engaged in more creative and cognitive activities before afternoon tea.

We then head outside to play!

That has been a very brief overview of our day today so far. It has been lots of fun!