Jingeri! What a wonderful Friday in the Kindergarten Two room. Today we welcomed Owen, Ryan, Millie, Riley, Bonnie, Harper, Christopher, Hendrix and Tate. During our morning group time today, we discussed the new emotion posters that are hanging in our group time area. The children identified what emotions the body buddies were portraying by pointed out their features. Ryan – “This one is sad, his eyes are crying”. Christopher – “He is surprised, his eyes are big”. Hendrix – “He looks happy and relaxed”. Riley – “This one is angry, look at his eyes”. Miss Shannan then asked the children which buddy they thought was her. Chris – “You are this one, you look relaxed”. Harper – “And happy!”. As a transition to morning tea, the children each stated which body buddy they felt they were and why, before washing their hands in the bathroom. Following along with the children’s interest in cause and effect and experiments we completed another science investigation today. Miss Shannan placed a series of substance on the table, along with various tools, bowls and patty cases. The children explored cause and effect as they mixed and squished together shaving cream, flour and fluffy slime. They discussed the changing of texture and consistency from sticky to dry and from dry to wet and runny. They made cupcakes and ice-creams, soups and more slime. Sitting with Miss Manuela, the children engaged in a game of alphabet bingo. Miss Manuela called out the letters, “S for snake” and the children crossed off the corresponding letters on the boards. They engaged with this activity for quite some time, and excitedly shouted out “Bingo” each time they completed their boards. The children had lots of fun at funky feet today. They practiced their one and two footed jumping and hopping as they made their way across the hopscotch course. They then went backwards across the course, extending their developing gross motor skills. During quiet/ rest time, the children all requested to have rest. Some of the children brought their sheets out of their bags and laid them out on the mat. The children gathered together in two spaces, Hendrix, Tate, Ryan and Bonnie all gathered together on the group time mat, laying side by side tucking each other under the sheets and sharing books together. Over on the home corner mat, Millicent, Harper and Owen were resting, they also were reading books together and giggling away looking at all the pictures. |
Christopher and Riley decided that they did not want to rest for long and spent their time together playing alphabet bingo and using the hammer and nails to create many wooden vehicles.
Thank you everyone, have a safe and wonderful weekend.
Miss Shannan 😊