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We had lots of fun today in the Kindergarten Two room. We spent our morning outside in the big back yard. Harper, Ivy, Millie and Bonnie played a game of lava monster on the big hill; Hendrix enjoyed water play using the water pump; Owen cooked up a storm in the mud kitchen; Luna swung across the monkey bars; Tate, Ryan and Christopher set up a nice spot under the trees. Miss Shannan collected a mat for them to sit on, where they read books together and played with Christopher’s dragon, triceratops and shark creatures.

Following on from our insect investigations, Miss Shannan set up a bug drawing activity at the tables, where the children used their creativity and imagination to draw the other half of the insects. Tate really enjoyed this activity, giving the ladybug her legs, drawing the dragon fly his missing wings and giving the bee extra feet. In our investigation area, Christopher and Ryan took turns to explore which insects have wings and which do not. They took their time to study each insect before placing them on the jar they believed they matched too; the jar for insects with wings and the jar for insects without wings.

Ivy, Harper, Millie and Luna played a game of mums and babies today. They made themselves multiple houses, cooked and served dinners and went on family walks together. Hendrix set up a cosy house on the couch for Tate and himself. When not all cozied up chatting away, Hendrix would covered them up with blankets and they would both giggle as they shouted ‘Miss Shannan we are invisible!’. Bonnie collected their horses out of their stalls and took them for a trot around the room. She stopped when she came across friends also playing with animals to ‘neighhh’ hello before moving along on her adventure.

Owen enjoyed completing lots of puzzles during rest time today. His favourite being the under the sea themed puzzle. He took his time completing it before moving over to the Indigenous puzzles and working along with his friends to complete the bigger puzzles.

Thank you everyone for a wonderful week. I hope you all have a lovely weekend. See you next week!

Miss Shannan😊