Today we welcomed a small group of Kindy friends; Harper, Emerson, Owen, Rosie, Taran, Macy and Ella. With such a small group today, we sat and discussed what activities that they wanted to set out for the day; marble run, painting and ninjas were undoubtably the favourites. Upon finishing our group time, the children went and set out the chosen activity. Ella, Harper and Taran went and collected the marble run and began building it together on the mat. They counted the marbles together and then made sure that everyone was able to have one. Emerson, Macy and Rosie were the first at the craft table. After selecting the paint colours that they wished to use, they brought them over to the table and began demonstrating their imagination and creativity. Rosie – I’m painting my mummy in the garden. Macy – Mine is pretty flowers. Emerson – I painted a rainbow. Soon the remainder of the group had migrated over to paint as well. After observing many flowers and butterflies being painted, Miss Shannan demonstrated how they could fold the page in half and squish down the paper to make a print. The children then all had a turn to create their own print and opening up the paper to see the surprise inside. Owen decided he was going to play in character today. He went straight to home corner where he found the ninja bands and with the assistance of Miss Shannan got into character. Mr ninja went around the room playing lots of different activities all while maintaining the guise of ninja. Out in the big yard, the children performed their developing gross motor and risk play skills as they attempted to scale the rope course, trying their hardest to climb up and over the ropes. During the end of our rest and relaxation time, we decided to go for a play in the side yard. The children had lots of fun chasing each other about and racing up and down the slides, demonstrating their ‘cool’ and ‘funky’ sliding techniques. Upon returning to our yard, the children decided they were going to build their own obstacle course. They all worked together to move the structures around (Miss Shannan helped with the lifting) and carefully laid out the hula-hoops and jumping spots for “people to follow and jump on”. Thank you everyone for a wonderful day, stay safe and see you again soon, Miss Shannan 😊 |