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Happy Friday everyone!

Today the children were very excited to welcome back their friend Emerson from his holiday! They excitedly showed him the any new toys or things that they had learnt while he was away. Your friends missed you dearly Emerson!

Owen, Riley and Emerson requested to make cubby houses today. Using the group time table and queen chair for support, they balanced the beds up, over and around to make one multi-roomed cubby house. They worked collaboratively, discussing their ideas before assisting each other through the construction process. At one point, that had invited all their peers inside, and the entire kindy group played together within the cubby house.

Bonnie was busy cooking today. With the playdough she was busy rolling the dough out to cut cookies, and in the mud kitchen she was collecting ingredients to make soup.

Today we completed a science experiment. Using a container of water, shaving cream and food colouring, the children demonstrated the concept of rain clouds, as they filled heavy with water droplets, before emptying out. This also brought forth many conversations about colour and colour mixing. Ivy, Hendrix, Millie, Ryan and Harper completed the experiment multiple times, first just with blue food colouring, before experimenting with the combination of both yellow and blue. The children were first asked what they thought would happen with the two colours. “They are going to mix!” – Hendrix. “It’s making green!” – Ryan. We repeated this experiment multiple times, discussing different elements of observation each time. “It looks like a jellyfish” – Millie. “They are mixing in the water”. It’s looks cool” – Riley.

We had our afternoon yarning circle again today. The children took turns telling the group what their favourite moment from the day was, before taking turns sharing any stories or exciting moments with the group.

This afternoon, Millie led her peers in a soccer drill game. She lined them up, balancing on their doughnuts (cones), before kicking their balls on the cones in attempt to knock them over. Owen, Ryan, Ivy, Tate and Harper eagerly participated in the game, “Look, I’m going to knock it with my ball” – Owen.

Baugull wanyi (thank you)

Nya-nyah-bu (see you again)

Miss Shannan 😊