Today we welcomed Hendrix, Rosie, Macy, Bonnie, Harper, Armin, Emerson and Tate to Kindy 2. After completing our Acknowledgement to Country and marking the roll, Miss Shannan read the story Noah’s bed. We discussed the different parts of a book; spine, front cover, back cover, author and illustrator and what they thought that the story may be about from looking at the front cover and the pictures. The children were then asked which transition that they would like to use to wash their hands for morning tea. Bonnie suggested the colour game and her peers quickly excitedly agreed. One at a time the children each had a turn to select the corresponding pictures to the colour displayed by Miss Shannan. After morning tea, the children all moved to their chosen activities. Emerson helped Miss Shannan make some playdough, listing all the ingredients that she would need to source beforehand. Once it was made, he sat together with Armin, Bonnie and Hendrix. Bonnie said she was cutting out circles that were going to be yummy donuts. Armin was making a castle city for lots of people to live in. Hendrix was making cupcakes to smelling them “mnnm ahhh” to show how delicious they would be to eat. And Emerson was rolling balls and squishing them into his own style of donut holes. Armin, Macy, Emerson and Harper enjoyed playing the hop and pop game with Miss Shannan. They are continuing to build upon their number recognition, patience and hand eye coordination as they waited for their turn, assisted their peers when needed and counted their way around the board. Rosie was busy self-selecting the paints this morning. She walked over to the art area, collected many paint pots, brushes and sheets of paper and set them up on a table. She then began painting many colourful pictures, excitedly taking them over to Miss Shannan to explain what they were upon finishing. Rosie “This one is for my mummy. Here is a waterfall with a love heart under it and here is the flower garden with a rainbow on top of it”. Tate enjoyed playing the rubber band manipulation activity. He stretched and pulled the bands around on the boards, extending both his fine motor and creativity. He practiced making a T for Tate and constructed many shapes and letters on the boards. Requested by Macy, we played the shoe game again today. The children all raced outside to grab one of their shoes and sneakily placed one under the sheet. Macy went first, pulling out one of the shoes from under the sheet and guessing who it belonged too. The children each had a turn pulling out one of the shoes. This game extended upon the children’s recognition and memory skills as they remembered who each shoe belonged too or had a guess if unsure, remembering for next time. During quiet time, Miss Shannan brought out her collection of mini-Lego builds for Woolworths. Together the children all sat together on the mat. They were each given their own Lego to build. Miss Shannan demonstrated how they could look at the instructions to see which piece to use first and where to put the stickers. This activity provided a great opportunity for the children to learn both individually and alongside their peers. They often turned to their peers for assistance when needed and learnt the practice of assisting without taking over. This was also an excellent fine motor building activity, as the children manipulated the small pieces together and placed stickers in small specific spots. The children were all very proud of their creations and immediately took them over to the larger Lego set and began playing. We discussed that these mini builds were to stay at kindy for everyone to play with together. The children were very excited by this and asked Miss Shannan to bring in more so they could continue to build their “town”. After quiet time, we decided to go back outside for a play. The children requested to play the cat and mouse game. Bonnie and Rosie were the first cat and mouse, while everyone else were the trusty gate keepers. Bonnie raced around the yard trying to catch Rosie, who kept strategically racing into the safety of the gatekeepers. Those cheeky gate keepers though, letting the cat in with the mouse and trapped them both inside together. Oh what fun was had! Thank you everyone for a wonderful day, Miss Shannan 😊 |