Welcome to our Thursday in the Kindergarten Two room. What a wonderful day we have had!
Today we welcomed Hendrix, Harper, Bonnie, Ella, Ryan, Riley, Macy and Christopher to Kindy 2. During our morning group time, Miss Shannan discussed with the children the idea of a kindy cooking class. The children were all very excited by this idea and had lots of great ideas as to what they could make together. These were the suggestions: Riley – donuts Hendrix – a giant cake Harper – sprinkle moana donuts and apple pie Ryan – two giant cakes Ella – Cupcakes Bonnie – cake Macy – cake As cake was the favourite idea for the morning, we decided to have a vote as to which type of cake the children would be interested in making. They came up with the options of vanilla, chocolate, blueberry, strawberry and banana cake. These cakes all scored rather high with chocolate just winning with 5, followed closely by vanilla 4, blueberry and strawberry both 3 and banana with 2. We then came up with a few more ideas, such as fruit skewers, ice blocks, scones and fruit salad. Ella scoured the art and craft area today with purpose. She pulled out one of the large pieces of cardboard and placed it down on the table. She then collected the paint pots and places them beside her at the table. She decorated the entire piece of cardboard with lots of bright blended colours. Ella, Ryan and Hendrix requested to build cubby houses this morning. They used a couple of beds, along with the parachute to strategically construct their cubby house. They displayed their teamwork and communication skills as they manoeuvred the pieces around until they were content with the result, before racing to sit underneath. The children discovered a new sensory experience today. While sitting with Miss Shannan reading a book, Christopher, Riley and Harper discovered the new paint brushes on her desk. Chris – “These are really soft”. Christopher then began to brush the brush against his cheek and then Miss Shannan’s “It feels nice, feel this”. Christopher and Riley then decided to use the brushes to ‘paint’ Miss Shannan fingernails. Riley – “I’m painting this hand pink and blue”. Christopher – “I’m painting orange.” Harper said she was going to give a makeover with pretty pink eyes and Macy joined in as the hairdresser. Bonnie soon came over and decided that Miss Shannan needed orange eyebrows painted on. The children took turns between being the artist and the canvas, discussing colours, feelings and textures with each other. The children took notice of the new affirmation yoga and breathing strategies posters. They asked Miss Shannan what they all said. Together they went through all of the pictures and learnt how they could follow them if they are feeling upset, angry or frustrated and how to do them on their own. They took turns tracing the racetrack, going up and down the mountains and blowing big belly balloons. Christopher pointed out the pictures on the yoga poster “Look I’m doing this one, what does it say?”. Miss Shannan then taught the children the affirmations to go with the poses and they repeated after her; “I am strong. I am brave. I am wise. I am kind. I am friendly”. We will be incorporating these affirmations and yoga poses into our daily program. What a wonderful day we have had. See you all again soon. Miss Shannan 😊 |