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We had a ball today in the Kindergarten Two room. With such beautiful weather, we decided to spend our day outside in the sunshine. The children decided to rearrange the obstacle course this morning, creating a see-saw and extra-long balancing beams. They all worked together to do this and then took turns standing on the see-saw making it lift off of the ground. Mr Ben came for Arakan today, we learnt five different stances and practiced our open-handed punches into the pad.

This morning Ryan was very creative with the peg boards, creating his very own T-Rex! When Miss Shannan asked what he was making, he replied with a big ‘RARRRRR! IT’S MY T-REX!’.

Ivy brought in rainbow slime to share with her friends today, giving each friend a different colour to play with and showing them all the cool things that they could do with the slime. Harper used her slime to make a blue bracelet that wrapped the whole way around her arm. It was very stylish!.

Zachary, Hendrix and Christopher raced each other around on the bicycles today, looping up and around the yard, laughing and squealing in glee as the chased and raced each other about.

Owen and Bonnie found a worm in one of our pots. They showed it to all of their friends and Miss Shannan, before returning it back to its home in the dirt.

Outside we also did some painting. Taran was in her element painting, taking her time as she blended different colours together in her picture, creating many new shades. Inside Ella took to the crayons and pencils, drawing herself with her family, excitedly sharing who was in the picture to Miss Shannan.

Thank you for a lovely day, see you all tomorrow!

Miss Shannan ☺️