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Happy pancake day everyone! We celebrated this morning by making our very own delicious pancakes. Miss Shannan read out the ingredients to the children and showed them what was what and what utensils were available, pointing out the measurements on the sides; with the children taking turns to add ingredients to the bowl and mix it all together. After everything was combined, Miss Shannan placed the mix into the pancake cooker and we all patiently waited for it to be ready. Once cooked, we all sat down together and enjoyed yummy pancakes with the added choice of maple syrup with strawberries and blueberries.

Taran brought in a special show and tell for us today. She brought photos of the caterpillars, cocoons and butterflies in her garden at home. This sparked lots and lots of conversation about caterpillars and butterflies and we are very much looking forward to further diving into this interest.

Ivy requested the red playdough again today. Using the playdough they made yesterday along with various tools, the children set out, creating as their imagination flowed. Macy took great care in her masterpiece, rolling and shaping the doll to make her mummy. She even gave her a haircut when she was finished so that it looked just right.

Emerson and Zachary went for their Tennis lesson today. They practised bouncing a ball, hitting a ball with a small racquet and played lots of other little games. This took place in our yard today and the children were all very intrigued, wanting to go out and join. Since our friends were all so interested from inside, Mr Trevor will be taking our class for a mini trial lesson to give the rest of the children an opportunity to have a go and he will have some information for parents as well.

Miss Shannan set up the Chinese New Year themed dinner play again today; the children all seem to enjoy this play and move to this activity as various times of the day.

Miss Nads gifted our room some beautiful fans yesterday and the children have enjoyed taking them down off the shelf and including them in their play. So today Miss Shannan decided to turn some of our plain paper fans into an art experience. Using droppers, water sprays and squeeze bottles with food dye, the children painted their own fans with lots of beautiful colours. Once completed, Harper asked to do it again ‘Can we use the spray again later? That was fun’. This activity was an absolute hit with the children, so a similar activity has been replanned for later in the week involving art and craft with droppers and spray bottles.

Hendrix took claim of the drums today. He filled the room with lots of beats and little rhythms as he smacked his hands and sticks down onto the drums. Following on from Hendrix’s drum playing, the children requested some music. Harper requested ‘Pump it up!’ and so that is what we started with. Luna was the next with a request ‘Can we listen to Elsa and Anna?’. Ella and Rosie soon joined the girls dancing together around the room, giggling and wiggling about.

Puzzles were once again a group favourite today. After having some quiet time during our rest time, the children asked for the puzzles. I believe we may have had every single puzzle in our room out today. We may need to swap out some of ours for those of another room.

Have a lovely evening everyone!

Miss Shannan☺️