Good Afternoon friends and families of Kindy Two,
Miss Shannan is away today so Miss Jess from Kindy One had stepped into the room today. Today we had many characters from different books arrive to Riversdale which is amazing to see. This morning we had enjoyed exploring the side yard with our friends from Kindy One before moving into our room to complete the roll and calendar for the day. During group time Miss Jess had explained what fun activities we would be completing today. For morning tea we enjoyed eating outside under the verandah, as we eat banana’s with berry and quinoa bar.
Once finishing our morning tea we went back inside to read a story which was We’re Going on a Bear Hunt which the children were engaged in, as they helped Miss Jess read the story. We had then discussed our favourite books we like to read at home, Kindy and other places. We had then extended on our conversation we had with the group and decided to draw our favourite book and display then up in the room for everyone to see. As we were drawing our favourite books we discussed the characters, and all the wonderful adventures the main characters go on. The children did wonderful drawings of their favourite books they cannot wait to show everyone. Tomorrow we hope to extend on this activity by making our own stories to read and show to our friends and family.
The children’s favourite books are;
- Macy- Going on a Bear Hunt
- Bonnie- Thelma The Unicorn
- Armin- Cheetah Book
- Tate- I’m a Monster Truck
- Rosie- Frozen
- Hendrix- I’m a Monster Truck
- Ivy and Harper- Moana
- Luna- Bluey
- Taren- Snowman Book
Once we finished making our front page of our favourite books it was time to watch Alice In Wonderland incursion which the children loved. We listened to Alice In Wonderland read her story to us, did some dancing and singing outside in the yard. Many children loved asking questions about the story and was excited to see what would happened at the end… they learnt it was just all a dream. Once Alice In Wonderland was finished we had then enjoyed some free time outside with the obstacle course, hop scotch, mud kitchen and target practice. Many of the children have been interested in making their own obstacle course throughout the morning, as this helps children express their interest and construction play.
This Afternoon we will be reading more stories children have brought in for the day, and also start on our own books. We’re also interested in making our own dress up costumes, as we can use these to create our own play to present to other classes.
Much Love Miss Jess