Welcome to all the Wonderful Wednesday

We have had a jammed packed day today, we started with Soccer and Coach Clayton said that all the children are doing a wonderful job.

We then came inside and had some morning tea followed by some blended words and understanding how large words are formed. Hamilton is showing that he enjoys this activity and loves to link his words. The children have also made some teeth people today to support our understanding of the incursion tomorrow.

Miss Blair surprised us today with a practice Fire Drill, all the kindergarten children did such a great job, the followed instructions and lined up at the door. We met all our friends in the foyer for a chat before returning to the craft that we had been undertaking at the time.

The children have also loved playing a mathematical game this afternoon and learning more about numbers and some basic addition. These skills will help the children as they move to Prep.  We will finish the afternoon with some fun in the sun this afternoon.

As always thank you for an amazing day in Kindergarten


Miss Sharon, Miss Sarah and the cherubs.