Welcome to our wonderful Wednesday in the Kindergarten classroom. What a bright and sunny day we have had today. The children have enjoyed the weather and are looking forward to playing on the double slide playground or the “new playground” as a lot of them are still calling it.
In morning we had lots of different construction activities available which were very popular and Miss jess had a big group of children building lots of different and creative constructions. The children were also playing so nicely on the swings taking turns to be the one pushing everyone else.
We looked at our calendar and talked about it being a new month! It is July and we noticed on our birthday chart that Henry and Daniel had birthdays in July. How exciting! The children are doing really well with their counting and number recognition as well and are able to help with the dates and the days too.
We have been having a look through our learning journals and revisiting some of the activities that we have learnt about such as the human anatomy. We will be exploring these books at our upcoming parent teacher interviews but they are available at any time on request so feel free to ask for them to have a look at in the future.
We used scissors to cut out the different bones in the body and construct a skeleton, we talked about how bones have different jobs like helping you move or protecting your body. We did lots of jumping games today to help “strengthen our bones” as exercise is really good for helping them grow strong.
Charlie, Hazel, Carter and Henry began their own game of “pirate treasure” which is a lot like “what’s the time Mr wolf”. It was great to see the children showing initiative and starting their own games.
That’s all for today, hoped you enjoyed and see you again next time.
Mr Andrew and Miss Jess