07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Hello everyone and welcome to our blog today. We had a very busy day full of imagination and creativity.

We began our day outdoors with an imaginary car wash were we wiped down all the bikes with soapy water. We have been meaning to do our tables and chairs as well so they’ll be next on the list.

The imagination continued as we did our art experience wtht Miss Vee. We read a book called giraffes can’t dance which had a great moral lesson about finding our own strengths and interests. For the artwork we stretched like giraffes to colour in some tall boxes and also do some portraits of giraffes in our own style.

At group time we did lots of questions and answers while reading our stories, it is great to see the children have their thinking caps on during these times.

At afternoon group time we did some freestyle dancing to some funky music and then we used the dress ups to do some dramatic performances in small groups of 4. The children absolutely loved this and the spectators took turns to suggest what would happen next.

In the afternoon we enjoyed some outdoor play up in the double slide playground where we played cricket and other racing games.

Enjoy the rest of your week for those we don’t see again and we look forward to seeing the rest of you soon.

Mr Andrew and Miss Jess