Good morning Pre-Kindy families This morning we welcomed Ariana, Lachlan, Ryan, Bjorn, Harrison, Harry, Colton, Myla, Romney, Ivy, Cruiz, Charlotte, Alex and Lincoln. As the morning began Miss Connie and Miss Tiff joined the friends of Pre-Kindy. We got ourselves ready to head outside, we grabbed our drink bottles, hats and shoes. With it being such a hot day today we ensured we kept our shoes on so that our feet did not burn. This morning we were in the small yard next to Kindy 2 classroom. The yard was a blank canvas so we explored to see what was around for us to play with. This morning Ryan, Ariana, Cruiz, Harrison, Myla, Ivy and Lincoln help selected the resources to play with. Ryan brought out the connectors along with Myla, Ariana, Lincoln, Cruiz and Miss Tiff we started to build. Ryan stared talking about boats and how he really wants to go on a speed boat which then led into everyone using the connectors to build a boat. Ryan assisting Myla letting her know that a boat requires a propeller in order to be able to move. Harrison got out the lego and along with Ivy, Charlotte, Romney, Harry, Lincoln and Alex they started to build a variety of different things. Charlotte built a castle; it was her castle because today she is dressed up in a pretty dress. Harrison built a tower, whilst Alex, Cruiz, Romney and Lincoln all started building lava throwers. Miss Connie then started a game of doggy doggy where’s’ your bones with some friends joining her to play, whilst Miss Tiff began a game of tag, where she would try to slide a hacky sack across the ground to hit our shoes.
Morning tea was a hit! With bananas and strawberries how can you go wrong. Today whilst eating we were practicing our inside voice when speaking to one another. |
This morning for group time Miss Tiff read a story to us called “Dear Earth” this was about a little girl called Tessa. When Tessa spent time wither her grandfather he would tell her stories about how beautiful the world is. From all the stories she heard she then wrote a letter to the earth thanking it for being so beautiful. We then spoke about how we can look after the earth, which then lead into the conversation around recycling and rubbish and the incursion tomorrow! Miss Tiff explained that the Recycling man who drives the big garbage trucks is going to come and visit us. This excited the boys immensely. |
Our indoor play today was child led/selected with the room having changed around the class wanted to explore the new layout. Harrison, Bjorn, Lachlan, Ryan and Romney headed to the dinosaur cove. The grass on the wall and the new dinosaur toys got the boys really excited! The took the dinosaur from the animal bucket and proceed to role play. Putting the dinosaur on the volcano they then had to run away due to the explosion of lava. The grass on the wall allowed the interaction of the dinosaurs along the wall which Bjorn and Lachlan really enjoyed. Ivy, Poppy, Harry and Lincoln started off at the tables where they put on their artist hats and begun to draw. Once the drawing was complete they all then headed to our relax and read area. Finding a book, they sat amongst the pillows and the net. We also then explored the dinosaur puzzles and Ariana, Charlotte, Myla and Romney spent time in home corner. They made pizza and pasta along with strawberry flavoured ice cream. |
Noddles and our salad bar for lunch are really an enjoyed meal! The children love getting all messy whilst eating the noddles. |
As we have entered into the middle of the year we are finding a lot of children growing out of the need to sleep. What we do is encourage mindful resting whilst educators clean and tidy from lunch before finding a quote activity to do. |
This afternoon we will enjoy some yummy fruit and cake. |
Mondays boggy will be determined by the song select from the children! |
Thanks for a great day and we will see you all tomorrow 🙂
Love Miss Tiff and Miss Connie
p.s. Photos are not uploading they will be printed and displayed in the class 🙂