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Happy Monday Families,

Welcome to in Babies 3. Today Miss Jordon and Miss Mel arrived at the same time and our friends greeted us with big smiles and cuddles. They were very busy playing with toys of interest.

Mel sat down with her friends and encouraged them to come over to the mat. Noticing that the sensory blocks were popular. We sat together and all had a go at making shapes with them and building towers. A few of our friends held them up to their eyes to see what colour they could see, We spoke about all the different colours. It ended up turning into a game of peek a boo behind the blocks, we all shared lots of laughter together.

After morning tea we cleaned up, Miss Mel began to set up an exciting Christmas activity. It was sensory play using coloured water, Christmas baubles and a soup ladle. We popped our hats and sunscreen on and headed outside, all very excited to what was waiting for us. Demonstrating our sharing and fine motor skills we each took a turn at using our hand/eye coordination and scooping the baubles up and dropping them into another bucket along with splashing around and having fun in the water on this hot and sunny day.

We didn’t stay outside too long as it was very warm, we enjoyed a short play and headed back indoors to our lovely air-conditioned room. We found a few more toys of choice to engage with before it was group time.

Miss Jordon sat on the mat with her friends and read the””Peppa Pig Chrismas” story. This book has been one on our babies favourites leading up to Christmas. We displayed our wonderful listening skills as Miss Jordon continued to read.

It was time for lunch and to rest our bodies for the afternoon.

Thank you for a lovely start to the week babies, we have had a wonderful day playing and exploring with you.

Love Miss Mel and Miss Jordon. xx