07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Enthusiasm, strategies, creating new challenges with cups, bowls, buckets, 2 long tables joined together and ping pong balls.  Rolling and bouncing, rolling, regulating strength and problem solving as children took turns in this ongoing game. Conversations and discussions about the state of origin, reflecting on past games and recognition of each state’s colour. Group Games of silent ball developing hand eye coordination and gross motor skills whilst negotiations of fairness of what is a good or bad throw of the ball. Children are becoming aware of fairness. Other play and learning experiences included Colouring in, drawing, role play in home corner and puzzles.

as an extension of children’s interest in the state of origin this afternoon I supplied paper, brushes and maroon or blue paint. Most of the children created posters with NSW or QLd on them. Some of the younger preps simply used both colours to mix and paint houses and scenery. Bobby and  Parker created another computer store from mattresses and recycled materials. Writing and drawing signs for the store. Ellie and Charlie went on to do some drawing. Maha created rubber band pictures. Jordan and Xavier played with the giant rocket, creating characters from rocks, and flying in space. Later on Ellie manuvered the lifts and stings on the rocket, enhancing her congnitive skills. Taylah and Matilda read a book about Australian Habitat. Becoming aware of the important roles animals play in our world. The afternoon finished off with role play in the computer store, drawing and colouring in, and reading of books.

Thanks for visiting the OSHC page,

enjoy the rest of your day 🥰🎉🦋🐝💚😂🤩Miss Lea