Welcome to Friday!

This morning we had a fabulous play outside. Harvey wanted to draw his dog, Sizzle. William, Kaylee and Tate open up an ice cream shop using the big blocks to create a shop. Milly, Marlie, Ellie and Chihiro were enjoying each other’s company and swinging on the big swing. Tanner, Harley and Joseph were chasing each other around the yard. Maia and Bonnie had fun checking out the worm farm with their friends.

We came inside to warm up our bodies, singing and dancing along to the ‘Wombat Wobble’ which we introduced to the class yesterday. It our new favourite song to boogie to, check it out on Youtube. It was then time for activities which is our most favourite part of the day. The children chose to play in the home corner, do free drawing with pens and crayons, paint with sponges on a stick which was a lots of fun to use a different tool for painting, riding the cars a long our reused cardboard car town and sorting the rubbish items into recycled items and garbage. We also worked with Miss TJ to learn what things the worms need and cannot have in our worm farm using a white board and pictures and sorting them into the tick and cross sides.  Thank you to William who also shared photos of his Lego recycling truck at home and a picture of his family! William did an amazing job at talking in front of his classmates and explaining what the photos were of.

It has been a lovely day to finish off the week! We hope you all have a wonderful weekend 😊

Miss TJ and Miss Jess xx