Happy Thursday Parents and Guardians,
We started our day in the small KG yard Miss Tiffany assembled an obstacle course using the balance beams, hole hoops, stepping blocks and the fitness ladder. Miss Tiff had fun running the obstacle course alongside Bjorn, Lachlan, Delila, Colton and Sayde. Charlotte and Harper explored the kitchen with Ariana, using the pots to cook up leaves and bark they had found in the garden. Myla and Everlea explored the bristle blocks with Conall and Miss Bek on the paved area, they tried very hard to piece together a robot, verbally communicating with each other what body part a robot would need.
We then made our way into the classroom where we washed our hands as we transitioned to morning tea. As the children who finished eating early waited for their peers they quietly read on the mat, Colton found the story wombat stew and requested Miss Bek read this at group time, which is just what she did after reciting the indigenous acknowledgment and singing our good morning song and exploring the days of the week and the weather. The children really enjoy wombat stew and at some parts of the story Charlotte, Ivy and Cohen are able to recite the story.
As an extension from group time Cohen asked to draw the pictures in the wombat stew book. On the small rectangle table the story was placed on a book stand and white A4 paper and the basket of coloured pencils, Cohen, Ella Colton, Charlotte, Ariana and Ivy explored this experience, all picking their favourite page of the story and using this as a conversation piece with their peers.
Bjorn, Lachlan, Aleksandar, and Sande explored the dinosaurs on the blue mat they used the wooden blocks to construct houses and caves for them before relocating them to the big yard after rest time.
This afternoon, we explored the big yard with water play, bikes, kitchen in the sandpit, boat, swing and an obstacle course, we even had a small dance party in the tree house for our music and movement session.
Have a wonderful afternoon,
Bek and Tiff.