Good afternoon Pre-Kindy and Happy Friday 🙂 

We hope you are all looking forward to your weekend! We have had a busy day today as the rain has kept us inside for most of the day. We have had lots of fun exploring the new room layout and activities in the room. 

This morning we welcomed Harry, Lincoln, Myla, Harper, Ariana, Charlotte, Vaughn, Harrison, Aleksandar, Romney, Cohen, Conall and Grace. 

Our morning saw us play and build with some new building spirals, this catching the attention of Harry and Harrison. Conall spent his morning building train tracks and racing the trains around the room. Ariana, Charlotte, Harper, Vaughn and Grace were all in the home corner participating in role play. Ariana, Harper and Charlotte were in the kitchen cooking, whilst Vaughn and Grace were swaying on the rocking chairs waiting for their food. Alex and Myla spent the morning in the transportation area playing with the rocket ship and cars. Lincoln and Romney along with Harrison and Miss Tiffany played many games of Jenga as we built up the blocks and watched them tumble down as they tried to pull the blocks out. 

Group time saw us recite our acknowledgement to land, sing our good morning song and complete our calendar. We then talked about everything we have done so far to become a more sustainable class, from making paper with used paper, planting seed and using the worm farm to feed our flowers. We also talked about other ways we can help the plant like turning lights off when we leave the room. 


Meals for the day; 

Morning tea: Chickpea, sweet potato and tahini muffins served with fresh fruit

Lunch; Mexican Fajits served with a salad bar

Afternoon tea; Superfood energy bar served with fresh fruit


Have an amazing weekend, and we will see you all next week 🙂 

Love Miss Tiff and Miss Bek