Hello and welcome to our new blog portal I’m very excited to be onboard. I have been looking forward to this for a very long time. So, lets get into it and find out all about our interesting adventures and splendid time we’ve had today.

The most popular choice outside today was playing in the sandpit. The children were active in finding animals in the sand. Ellie found a snake and Mariah found an ant. While Mace and Eva were using the sand to scifen it into the sand wheel.

We continued to be outside to eat our morning tea before we had to finish up suddenly to go visit Kindergarten for dancing and rhythm with Miss Jeni. We worked up a sweat to the beat of Lightning McQueen while we warmed our bodies ready to do our solos. It was so great to see everyone participating and joining in. We had a long session learning all about coordination and gross motor development. Some of the movements and skills were new to use but everyone got in and gave it a go which made me very proud to see.

Then we were blessed with the opportunity to stay in the Kindy room exploring the new play spaces before we had to return to our room and get ready for lunch. After lunch we rested our bodies after all that dancing ready and recharged for a massive run around and play outside.

Thanks, friends, for a wonderful day. Have a safe weekend and I look forward to seeing you again next week.

Miss Steph and Miss Shanaya