Hello and welcome to Friendly, Fast, Friday. Eva was the first to arrive so we did inside play this morning as it was raining, we played in home corner cooking and playing with spaghetti and cutting with the squiggly and swirly scissors. Mariah had fun creating cheeky and imaginative faces out of the play dough, match sticks, straws and googly eyes. Then it was what felt like an instant in time before we began our funky feet fitness. When Myah showed up not long after we had just begun.
We were able to go outside for a wee while in between rain showers today. The lovely Miss Lyn made the children friendship bracelets with four strands of knitting wool in a variety of colours. Dylan was so taken with them that Miss Lyn also made them for his teddy bear.
We then used our big breaths to blow water colours all around the paper with small straws. Ellie was able to blow her water colours far and wide. We also spent time expending our energy hitting paper plate bullseyes with large rolled up socks. Congratulations Mace for hitting a bullseye!
As we are approaching NAIDOC week. It would be wonderful if parents/carers could save and donate any cardboard rolls lying around the house. Pre-kindy will be making didgeridoos, a tree and a fireplace in the next few weeks.
How time flies when your having fun. We shall see you again next week.
Steph and Donna 🙂