Good afternoon everyone, and welcome to Monday in our Pre-Kindy room. It was a very wet start to the day, so we began our morning with a variety of indoor play-based activities.
When the children were asked what they would like to do, the following experiences were requested:
- Ellie and Zahra: “I want painting” (a variety of assorted acrylic paint colours and long thin paintbrushes were provided for easel painting)
- Marlie and Ollie: “I want hospitals please” (we got out the hospital equipment packs, some beds, and some bandages)
- Arlo, Zander, Harley and Asher “I want playdough” (Arlo and Asher chose to put out rolling pins, knives and cookie cutters with the dough)
- Harvey, Kaylee, Harley and Ivy: “I want cutting” (Ivy and Harvey helped themselves to paper, scissors and glue sticks from the craft shelf, and also got some equipment out for their other friends)
In addition, Miss Donna put some blank face outlines on the “Loose Parts” table, where the children could add stones, feathers, glass beads or wooden pieces to create facial features and hair. This was particularly enjoyed by Marlie, Arlo, Harvey and Ollie today. When Arlo had finished his portrait, he pointed to one of the wooden pieces on the face and said, “Look Miss Donna, that’s Daddy’s belly button!”
We had a small break in the weather so were able to go outside briefly and play in the sandpit before lunch. It was a great way to release some of our physical energy! Ollie and Marlie took the opportunity to swing themselves on the mini swings, whilst Ellie and Kaylee buried Miss Donna’s legs to make her look like a mermaid. Zahra and Ellie then helped each other to bury their own legs also. Ellie then said, “I want to be a dolphin” as she flipped on her stomach and had her hands and legs buried by Ivy and Kaylee.
Once indoors, and in keeping with our outdoor sandpit “sea” theme, we had a group time story entitled “Pirate Stew”, which explored the story of a shrimp/prawn that liked to clean. This then led us into our silly song “Wash your face with orange juice”!
Just before lunch, we had a wonderful relaxing yoga session with Miss Hayley. Currently, the children are really focussing on breathwork with the use of a “breath ball” prop and are learning to appreciate their own “space” as compared to the space of others with the assistance of blown bubbles.
Children can gain enormous benefits from Yoga. It can enhance their flexibility, strength, coordination, body awareness and concentration. It can also help them connect more deeply with their inner self which may contribute to their sense of Being, Belonging and Becoming. This aligns with the Early Years Learning Framework – Learning Outcome 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing, both emotionally and socially, and they also take greater responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing.
Until tomorrow, please take care everyone and have a wonderful evening! Love Donna and Ana xxxx