Good Morning Pre-Kindy Families 🙂
A very warm welcome to Monday and another week, we do hope everyone had a fantastic weekend.
This morning we welcomed Colton, Ivy, Bjorn, Lachlan, Ryan, Myla, Cruiz, Harrison, Lincoln, Romney, Avila and Ariana.
We started our morning off inside where Colton, Ryan and Myla joined us. Colton headed over to the mat where the lego blocks were out so he headed over there to build a house, Myla spent time watching the fish and Ryan spent the morning with his big brother reading stories.
We then headed outside where we waited on the arrival of the rest of our friends. Ariana and Harrison arrived with their crazy hair. Harrison wanted to play with the balls, so we headed to the shed to get a variety of different balls. We practiced our throwing whilst Ariana practiced her bouncing skills. Bjorn, Ryan, Lachlan, Lincoln and Cruiz all participated in a game of zombies whilst Romney spent his morning in the sand pit with some friends from the Kindergarten class.
We then headed inside, washed and dried our hands before collecting our drink bottles and finding a seat for morning tea. Group time saw us start off with our Acknowledgement to Country. Our friends helped with the actions to “Here is the land, here is the sky, here are my friends and here am I”. We then did our days of the week and the weather report. With Ryan being our weather birdy, he headed off to the window to report that it was a sunny day.
Our group time and intentional teaching moment was centered around something new and exciting in the classroom. This morning we also welcomed new friends into the classroom! Pre-Kindy now has pet fish! After a few conversations with the children over the past few weeks we came to the conclusion that they all wanted a pet. Miss Tiffany went out on the weekend and got everything we needed and set up the tank.
We spoke about rules and how we should treat the fish, how we look after the fish. Harrison then asked “what are their names?” Miss Tiffany said they don’t have names yet, and that everyone gets to choose a name for their own fish.
The names of the fish;
Ivy- Ivy McCracken the fish
Ariana- Leddy
Lachlan- Nathan
Harrison – Lucy
Ryan- Ryan
Myla – Myla
Bjorn – Bjorn
Lincoln – Lizzie
Cruiz – Fish
Colton – is still undecided.
We then moved onto self select activities; This morning saw the children decide on a wide range of activities to engage with, Ivy and Harrison decided to help Miss Jade with the dishes as they pretended to assist her with drying the dishes. Ariana and Avila spent their morning in the transportation zone, playing with the trucks and cars. Bjorn, Ryan and Lachlan were all in the home corner creating meals and playing with the dress ups. Whilst Colton was pretending to be the teacher reading a book to Lincoln, Cruiz and Myla .
Today meals;
Coconut banana split- Coconut yoghurt served with bananas, salantas and seeds.
Sausage rolls served with a salad bar
Pita crispies served with salsa and avocado
With love Miss Tiff and Miss Jade