Good morning Pre-Kindy families 🙂 Happy Monday, we hope you all enjoyed your long weekend! This morning we welcomed Lachlan, Ryan, Bjorn, Harrison, Harry, Colton, Myla, Madalyn, Romney, Ivy and Jacob. Today is Jacobs first day with us in the Pre-Kindy room and he has settled in well, Harry and Colton have been very welcoming and inviting with play. This morning we welcomed Ivy Colton and Ryan who were the first ones to arrive from the Pre-Kindy room. Ivy and Ryan wanted to draw so the headed to the art area where they collect paper and colour pencils. They drew pictures for Mum before getting the scissor out to cut what they had just coloured in. Colton got out the wooden blocks he began to building a tower asking Miss Tiff to take a photo so that he could show Harrison when he got here. He said “Harrison will love this, won’t he Miss Tiffany”. Harry and Myla then arrived as we were getting ourselves ready for outside play. Today we headed out into the yard by Kindy 2 classroom. Colton, Ivy and Harry helped Miss Tiff pull out and set up all the obstacle course and balancing equipment. Miss Tiff carried the equipment as she took instruction from all 3 of them as to where to set everything up. Myla wanted to practice her rolly pollys so asked for the clue mats to be put out. Whilst outside we then welcomed, Lachlan, Bjorn, Madalyn, Romney and Jacob. On the arrival of our fellow classmates Ryan found a Cane Toad on the outside of the fence, so with intrigue and fascination the whole class headed to the fence to watch the toad. It hopped and hopped it way inside the fence and behind a tree where it began to bury itself amongst the bark. Miss Tiff explaining that he’s doing that to protect himself, to camouflage so that predators are unable to see him. Fascinated Bjorn, Ryan and Lachlan remained close to watch what it did, until the point he was completely buried and they were unable to spot him. Romney, Jacob and Harry created a game of hit, run and catch with the tennis balls and racket. |
Morning tea :This morning along with our breakfast bar we had banana with all eating the banana and most giving the breakfast bar a taste! |
We started of group time with our acknowledgement to land followed by our good morning song. This morning for group time we read a story “Daddy and I” as we begin to talk about Father’s Day that is coming up. Miss Tiff when making reference to the book and to Father’s Day spoke about all kinds of father like figures including dads, granddads, grandpas as to be inclusive of all the different types of families we have within our class. |
Towards the end of group time saw Miss Tiffany explain that we are going to begin to make something special for our dads or grandads so everyone will get a turn to do so. She then asked what activities would we all like to do? Bjorn, Lachlan and Ivy said dinosaurs they headed to the dinosaur area and began to play. The boys got the big dinosaurs whilst Ivy got the little ones and together they created a game of family dinosaurs. They fed them and put them to sleep. Myla and Madalyn headed for the transportation area as they wanted to play with the cars. They chose their favourite colour car and then raced them around the car mat before parking up and “went shopping for some food”. Jacob, Harry and Colton headed to the rocket ship, Jacob played with the crane claw using it to pick things us from the ground and move them around. Whilst Colton and Harry used the lift to transport cars up and down. Ryan, Romney and Harrison joined Miss Jade to start their Father’s Day gift. |
Lunch; Mac and Cheese seems to be enjoyed by most along with our salad bar Miss Jade sat with us and ate to and she encouraged us all to try something new. |
Today’s rest period see a lot down for a sleep or some quite resting as we are back at Kindy from a long weekend our little minds and bodies are very stimulated. |
We LOVE our fresh fruit!! |
As the afternoon is upon us we enjoy some time to dance and move before heading outdoors for the afternoon.
With love Miss Tiff & Miss Jade |