Good Afternoon Pre Kindy Families 🙂
A very happy Thursday and a warm welcome to todays blog. Todays blog is going to be done a little different today as it is World Photo Day today. In celebration we handed over our camera and “blog writing” to the children of the class as they express a day through their eyes!
This morning we welcomed Colton, Ivy, Lincoln, Harper, Delila, Ariana, Sayde, Cohen, Avila, Conall, Ella, Finley, Billy, Alex, Myla and Everlea.
So climb aboard and experience kindy through the little ones eyes…..
We started our morning off at approx 9.30am where Harper was our first photographer, Her initial photos explore the yard showing a reading area and mud kitchen set up for children to play in. Harper then spent some time with Ariana and Avila as the girls enjoyed the camera, Delila was seen in the mud kitchen. it was then Avila turn with the camera she captured her amazing obstacle course that she created as well as Miss Bek sitting with Billy, Finley and Aleksandar as they spent the morning building blocks. Avila then decided to spend some time taking photo of the children in senior kindy, first we can see Harper practicing her modelling with a cute pose, followed by Cohen bouncing on the big yoga ball, she then catptured Billy with smiles coming through his eyes. We then had a group photo of Billy, Ariana and Harper after they played a game of tag. Next we had photographer Ariana who did a really good job and taking photos of so many friends, she captured, Harper, Avila, Cohen, Colton, Delila and Sayde. Ariana really enjoyed capturing the environment and the world around her.
We then took a break from the camera as we headed inside for morning tea and group time. Before heading off todo self select activities.
Morning tea was so yummy we all finished our plates and were wanting seconds! We like pancakes and bananas!!
Cohen was our next photographer, he began capturing the moments of our intentional teaching activity which consisted of interpratation drawing of our celery leaves. It has been 24hours since our coloured water celery experiment and we can already start to see colour change. Here we can see Ivy, Harper, Ariana, Delila and Lincoln drawing their very own celery. Alex, Conall, Finley and Ella getting involved with the puzzles whilst Myla and Everlea played in home corner. Colton and Billy can be seen playing with the cars on the car mat. Next up for taking photos was Sayde he captured the faces of Cohen and Delila as well as Myla and Everlea having a dance. Colton was then next up for taking some photos, a lot of Coltons photos ended up being a little blurry as he was so excited to be able to have a turn.
We then headed outside for some play before coming in inside. Where we will enjoy our yummy lunch and have a good rest.
We look forward to seeing our mummy and daddy’s at pick up! See you soon 🙂
With love the children of the Pre-Kindy classroom.
Please check out the window for our photo display!