Good afternoon Pre-KIndy families and carers, and welcome to terrific Thursday! It has certainly been a warm day today, and we have made sure all the children have been drinking lots of water, have kept their sun hats on, and have their sun cream applied. On this note, I would like to advise that for children attending tomorrow, it is estimated to reach ch approx. 36 degrees. Could parents of attending children please ensure that your child has either a top or dress on with sleeves that cover their shoulders (as opposed to thin straps or tank tops) to ensure they do not get burnt – this is also outlined in our centre policy manual. We really want to protect your child’s beautiful skin from sun damage as much as possible.

Today we enjoyed some tactile, sensory activities, including stretchy playdough with additional flour – Marshall, Charlotte, Dylan and India particularly enjoyed playing with the flour…we even ended up with some on our faces!

Mace, Mariah, Indi and Genevieve were having a great time with the clay, which has a much firmer consistency than playdough, hence it exercises and strengthens the children’s finger and hand muscles more fully. Mr G began making snowmen from the clay, and Indi and Mace were quick to follow suit, rolling clay into different sized balls, and adding coloured matchsticks and small coloured pebbles.

Coen and Marshall enjoyed wearing face masks from Halloween night, and played a pretend game of being ghosts….lots of chuckles were shared between them.

Xavier, Lilly and Coen spent a lot of time at the cutting activity, cutting up small images of Halloween characters/objects into even smaller pieces, before finally pasting them onto paper – great concentration!

Lilly and Indi also played very cooperatively together to complete the 3-D puzzles – good work girls 🙂

Ellie and Eva had a whale of a time dancing to tunes from a children’s movie soundtrack – they even got the baby dolls involved.Lots of fun indeed. The video link is attached at the very end of today’s pictures…simply right-click on the link.

We hope you all have an enjoyable evening tonight folks. Stay safe, and see you again soon.

With love, Miss Donna and Mr G (Ginner) 🙂 xx
