Miss Steph and Miss Shelby wanted to say a big thankyou to all the mummies that came to our Mother’s Day afternoon yesterday, we hope you had a great afternoon.

What a beautiful morning spent outside playing with a variety of activities Miss Shelby set up for us. Mace loved racing around the yard on the bike and Xavier raced in front of him with the large dump truck and Marshall also raced with the dump truck, Reid and Genevieve showed off their hoola hooping skills, Ellie, Eva and Ava used the building blocks to create seats to sit on outside. When Ava arrived, she spent some time playing with her Nanna where they had fun on the rockers, she also explored the animals in the mud.

For group time Miss Shelby started off by singing a Good Morning song to welcome the children into the room for the day and asked the children how they were feeling today, and all the children said there were good. We then sang if your happy and you know it, to learn about different emotions and the children did the actions to if your sad, happy, sleepy, excited, silly and funny. We also sang see the sleeping bunnies, crocodile and sharks. Miss Kristy came into our room this morning to share a special story with us Mrs. Honey’s hat, the children got to help Miss Kristy place the felts to go with the story.  To transition the children to wash their hands for morning tea Miss Steph did colour recognition by using the colour of the children’s hair, the children could recognize if they had brown hair, blonde hair and black hair.

During activity time there was many interests with Charlotte, Ellie, Eva and Ava  with the baby dolls and clothes Miss Steph brought out for them, Miss Shelby set up a sorting activity using tongs to extend on and practice their picking up skills which helps develop their fine motor, hand-eye coordination skills as well as their self-help skills. Charlotte had a turn at picking up the coloured domino blocks and placing them into the container, Lilly and Kerim had a turn at picking up the coloured bears and placing them into the container.  Some playdough with coloured paddle pop sticks and animal cutters were set up and Mace, Reid, Kerim, Marshall, Xavier, Genevieve use the paddle pop sticks to stick into the playdough and they also created some pigs, sheep, ducks, horses and rabbits out of the animal cutters. The children were also provided with a light box experience to create a flower on the box, some of the children had a turn and they were fascinated with the light.

In two small groups the children went outside to do Arankan with Mr Daniel, they all did an amazing job at practicing their strikes, covers and kicking with the pads. We hope you’ve had an amazing day as we have today.

Miss Steph and Miss Shelby