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Good Afternoon Pre Kindy Families and Happy Wednesday 🙂


Happy birthday to Billy who celebrated his 4th birthday on Monday 🙂

This morning saw us enjoy a beautiful morning in the slide yard where we welcomed our children to Kindy. We played a variety of games this morning including tag and what’s the time mr wolf. We then headed inside as we enjoyed our yummy morning tea before joining Miss Connie on the mat for group time. Todays group time incorporated yoga and meditation as we all took some time to find our breath, calm our minds and settle our little bodies.

We then got involved in so many activities as we enjoyed our morning in the classroom. We had drawing with crayons, we hade a tea party in home corner along with many friends enjoying the new resources in the dinosaur area. We had alphabet learning through the use or magnetic letters and white boards as well as find the letter game with Miss Connie.

Lunch today we enjoyed lasagne and salad before heading to our bed to rest our bodies. A lot of tired friends today.


This afternoon we will enjoy some yummy birthday cupcakes from Billy before heading outside for some afternoon fun!


With love,

Miss Tiff, Miss Connie and Miss Lara


Photos displayed in the window in PK classroom xo