Welcome to Wednesday’s Pre- Kindy Blog
Hope you have had a lovely day 😊
This morning the children were excited to see some new books on our bookshelf. The books on the shelf were based around NATURE such as animals, insects, plants, ocean and land since we have been focusing on nature over the past week and how we can protect it. We have noticed the amazing benefits of having our quiet reading session in the mornings after our outside play. The children are learning to calm their bodies down and seem more focused when we start our group time. The children packed away their books and held hands to make a circle. We did a couple of stretches and learnt how to do a plie in first position and spin around slowly on our tip toes. The children then sat down, sitting like ‘Listening Lucy’ and had their full attention on Miss TJ.
For our group time today, we watched a clip on how turtles sometimes mistake plastic bags for jelly fish since they love to eat jelly fish. We also saw a turtle that was caught in a net and a diver saved it by cutting it free from the net. Zander said, “Its free!”. The children are becoming very passionate and enthusiastic when talking about saving our ocean and our planet. Following up our discussion on rubbish affecting our sea turtles, we encouraged the children to come to the art table and draw a picture on sea life and the dangers that our marine life are facing. Miss TJ and Miss Livia are very impressed with the effort that the children put into their pictures. We could see the stories they were telling through their art. They are going to look amazing on our ‘Protect our Planet’ wall in the classroom. Pre kindy told us all about their drawings and here were some of their voices:
Willow: “The whale is sick. The rubbish”
Asher: “There is way too much rubbish in there. The sea horse calls his friends.
Oli: “The someone is picking up rubbish. The turtle has got string on him and the man is cutting the string off”
Emerson: “A big turtle. He’s got a baby in there”
Zander: The whale is picking up the rubbish. The rubbish is all around him”
The children had so much fun with the ‘Saving the Ocean’ game yesterday that we decided to bring it out again for some more fun. We added a bit more rubbish into our bucket of water and a shark to swim with the whale and fish.
The group were SUPER EXCITED to hear they were invited to go on a jumping castle. Miss Kylie brought in a small jumping castle for the Senior children to enjoy. Miss Livia took small groups to the jumping castle, making sure to have only two friends at a time inside. They absolutely loved jumping around and reaching up to the basketball hoop.
The children also enjoyed role playing in the home corner, problem solving with the puzzles, more dramatic play with the farm set and doll house and puppets.
Before lunch we read ‘The very tempered Lady bird’.
Enjoy your afternoon
(Unfortunately all of the photo’s did not upload but we are happy to print them off if you would like)
Miss TJ and Miss Livia x