Welcome to our fun Wednesday in Pre Kindy. Our theme this week is Friendship, so our activities today reflected our friendships amongst our friends & educators. Some activities we enjoyed this morning were painting each other’s hands for our friendship wreath. “It’s very tickly” was Reid’s comment as Marshall painted his hand. Then after our morning group time, where we discussed being friends & what it means to us. Miss Lyn then made friendship bangles for us. Miss Sarah decided she would like a bangle too. Our other fun activities today included – secretarial role play with the phones & keyboards – play dough with pipe cleaners – home area – the doll house & then we went for another play outside, where we all enjoyed the playground & the sunshine. Braxton & Dylan enjoyed the see saw & sharing the swing together 😊😊 We look forward to seeing you all again tomorrow for another fun day of friendship & learning. Love from Miss Donna & Miss Lyn 😊💕💕😊
Jul 31, 2019