Hi families, happy Wednesday!
Today we began our day with a big play outside while the weather was nice and cool, we all looked and watched as the clouds became darker and darker, some of us even talking about whether we thought it was going to rain or thunderstorm! While we were outside, some of our friends went off for soccer while the rest of us played in the sandpit, riding on the bikes and did some drawing. To continue our day on we went inside for some morning tea, we had some delicious berry yoghurt, sultanas, seeds and bananas, this must be a favourite because we had none left over!
Then we had group time with Miss Danna, we sat down on the carpet and sang a good morning song, talked about what day we though it was and about the weather. Asher told us it was Wednesday, and Ivy told us it was windy and cloudy. Once we had our group time, we decided and spoke about what we wanted to play with today, Marlie, Lily and Ella decided they wanted to play pretend doctors so out we got the doctors set, this was a fun role play game which more of our friends Arlo and Jamal decided to join in with too and pretended to help fix the patients Asher and Zander so that they felt better! Ellie, Kaylee and India enjoyed home corner, playing with the babies and making them food. Ivy enjoyed playing with puzzles while William zoomed around the room playing with the cars.
When we had all had a big play we transitioned to lunch where we had yummy tofu nuggets, roast potatoes and salad bar which again was loved by the children, with no leftovers! What great eaters we have in Pre Kindy.
We hope you had as great a day as we had,
Love Miss Danna and Miss Dominique xx