Our Story…

Happy Wednesday Pre-Kindy families! Miss Madie and Miss Tania were with the beautiful Pre-Kindy children today and had a lovely day filled with fun and laughter!

Today’s adventures included:

  • Playdough play
  • Free painting on the easels
  • Balloon game
  • Home corner
  • Group times
  • Freeze
  • Outdoor play
  • Mat play

After our morning play, we came inside and sat on the mat for a group time. Miss Madie began by asking the children to sit in a big circle, stretch out their legs and grab their toes with their hands. Miss Madie demonstrated this, and everyone copied; it was a nice way to stretch out legs out after our big morning play. Miss Madie now asked the children to take a deep breath in through their nose and breathe out through their mouths, and we did these breaths three times. Pre-kindy felt a bit more relaxed and ready to move on to our next group time experience. Miss Madie read out the children’s names from the roll and said good morning to all the children individually; Pre-kindy are so lovely to say good morning back to Miss Madie! It was now time for morning tea and activity time.

Miss Gabbi came in from 10-11 to say hello to the Pre-Kindy children and everyone was so happy to see her. Miss Gabbi blew up some balloons and played a game of “don’t touch the floor” with the balloon. Charlotte, Braxton, Ellie, Marshall, India, Otto, Eva, Arlo and Amayah played with Miss Gabbi. Once this game was over, all of Pre-kindy joined Miss Gabbi on the mat for a game of ‘doggie, doggie where’s your bone’. This was a lovely group experience.

Miss Madie made playdough for the children who were interested in this. Dylan, Theo, Henry, Oliver, Ava and Kianni were interested in the playdough table throughout activity time and had a wonderful time manipulating the playdough using their imaginations.

Miss Tania organised a painting area for Hazel’s request in painting. Hazel, Amayah, Ava and Eva joined in on the creative painting fun!

We ventured outside for a play around 10:45 and played a game of duck, duck goose on the fort with miss Gabbi. Narla and Xavier arrived at kindy and Miss Madie came outside and we all played a few games of freeze, using the songs from youtube before heading back inside and having our yummy lunch!

Happy Wednesday Pre-Kindy!