Happy Friday!!
Today our friends spent their morning in the slide yard where we had bean bag throwing competitions, jumped over obstacle hurdles, played “what’s the time Mr. Wolf” and played with some blocks. Once we had a good play and all of our friends had arrived, we headed back to our classroom.
For group time today, we read “harry and the dinosaurs say rah” before transitioning to morning tea. After morning tea, we sat down on the mat where we rolled the action dice. Each child took turns in rolling the dice, then doing the action that rolled, for example “hands on heads” and “clap 3 times”. This was a fun way to transition to our activities.
For today’s activities, we made our very own playdough pizza! The children each had their own playdough ball whic they decorated. We had spaghetti sticks that we used as cheese as well as basil, rosemary and mint from our very own Kindy garden. Wooden loose parts were also added and the children absolutely loved it! We also have some new alphabet boards, where the children trace the letters. They absolutely love these! Thanks Miss Nads! Before we knew it, Miss Jen turned up for our dance lesson which we look forward to every week.
We hope you all have an amazing weekend!
Love Miss Bec, Alicia and Aaliyah x