Happy Friday
We have had a magical day in Senior Kindy with Christopher, Zachary, Hendrix, Ayla and Millicent. This morning we had fun swinging on the big swing and riding the bikes around the yard. Yesterday we educated the class on how to wash our hands and get rid of the germs. The children have since been practicing the techniques to use when washing ours hands. Today we watched a different educational clip on ‘Germ Smart Kids’ which we found on Youtube. It was a great clip to watch if you would like to watch as a family at home. Ayla asked if we could “Count dinosaurs” meaning the song ’10 little Dinosaurs’. We practiced our counting to 10 while counting the dinosaurs on the clip. I have noticed a huge improvement with the children’s counting skills especially when counting with our fingers.
Extending on the groups love for animal play we set up a table full of dinosaurs (extending on our Dinosaur singing), leaves from the garden and other bits and bobs that were natural items. “Rahhhh” Christopher said while role playing with the Dinosaurs. Ayla was helping her Dinosaur eat some leaves and flowers while Zachary had two long neck Dinosaurs who were making friends.
The children have really enjoyed using scissors as our fine motor focus over the past two weeks. Today we got giving a whole bunch of flowers from one of the parents in Pre Kindy. We placed the flower, scissors, egg cartons and cardboard boxes and tubes onto a table. The group was so excited to come over and explore. Hendrix used his scissors to cut a flowers petals off and placed the cuttings into his egg carton. Millicent loved chopping the buds of the flowers off. It was such an amazing experience with the children engaged and persistent when using the scissors. Miss TJ was there with the children helping them with their scissor hold and encouraging them. After a lot of cutting we decided to place some of our cuttings into a bouquet, using a rolled up piece of paper to hold them. The children thought of someone in mind they would like to give it too.
Zachary asked if we could play with the train puzzle. In a group we out the number train puzzle together, focusing on finding the numbers and the animals that correctly matched the number. It was a great numeracy practice experience. The children were so happy when we had completed the puzzle.
Funky Feet Time! At our dance class today the children learnt how to tuck their heads to do roly poly’s. They all got up to do a solo on the mat today too. We are so proud of Senior Kindy!
Hope you all have a lovely afternoon and a fabulous weekend! I am so thankful for the lovely children we have in Senior Kindy 🙂
Miss TJ xx