Happy Monday families and friends…
This week in the Senior Kindy room we are going to be learning about all different types of occupations as we engage in conversation about ‘what we all want to be when we grow up’. The children were given the opportunity to play dress-ups today as they chose their favourite costume from the rack. The children engaged in role-play as they pretended to be fire fighters, police officers and construction workers. Yarn time we shared a story about brave fire fighters putting out a big fire on a farm entitled ‘Fire Engine’. The big book then turned into a firetruck as all the children took turns pretending to be fire fighters as they boarded the fire engine. Miss Leesa sang ‘Hurry, Hurry Drive the Fire Truck’ rhyme as the children drove the truck. We will continue on with this theme for the rest of the week as we share stories, engage in role play experiences and enjoy small group conversations.
Other play experiences today included sensory play dough play with the cars and paddle pop sticks, puzzle play, yoga with Miss Haley, sharing books in book corner and transport play. Outdoors the children kept busy cooking in the kitchen, role play with the dinosaur figurines, racing the bikes and watering the garden.
Until next time…
Love Miss Leesa and Miss Tatyana