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Happy Monday families and friends…

Today in the Senior Kindy room we welcomed our new friend Armin, who settled in beautifully and was excited to explore and meet his peers. The children were very gracious and gave Armin a tour of the room and invited him to play. Lachlan, Connor and Christopher spent time building and creating shapes with the new ‘magnetic tiles’. The children worked together to identify the tiles shapes including a triangle, square and semi-circle. Luna and Myla played in pairs as they enjoyed sensory play with the yellow play dough.  The children utilised the wooden rolling pins and hammers to shape the dough and then the paddle pop sticks to make birthday cakes.

Bjorn and Lachlan then took their turn of the play dough experience as they both rolled the dough out flat with the rolling pins and then utilised the cars to make tracks back and forth in the dough. Lachlan said, ‘oh no, the play dough is stuck in the wheels’. as he tried to roll the tyres on the table to release the dough. Connor then joined in as he too made a birthday cake using the paddle pop sticks as candles and sang Happy Birthday. Armin had a wonderful time exploring and choosing a variety of experiences to engage and play, including transport play with the emergency stations and using the magnifying glasses to study the ‘bugs and dinosaurs’ on the discovery table.

Other play experinces today included identifying letters from our first name using the magnetic letters on the whiteboard, role play with the baby dolls and wrapping them in the new cot blankets, identifying and negotiating roles during home corner play, doll house play and sharing books on the pillows.  We will continue to encourage the children to identify their first name and their letters for the rest of the week.

Until next time…

Love Miss Leesa